As I continue to sort through my own family’s photo collection, I keep finding unexpected reasons I’m glad I finally took the plunge. I mentioned the other day what fun it is finding treasures that aren’t even photos.
But the obvious payoff I think most of us are expecting are the photos themselves. And in my collection, there are certainly no end of photos of family members that are charming, sweet, funny, poignant, etc.
I came across this photo, though, and it took my breath away. I don’t even know who is in it or when or where it was taken (I have some guesses), but it is such a beautifully captured moment in time that it could stand alone as a piece of artwork. And this is just a quick camera scan without any editing!
Have you come across anything like this in your own family’s collection? A photo that stands out not because of who is in it, but because it is just a stunning photograph in and of itself?