Here’s another fun before and after. You’ve probably come across vintage photos that have a silver mirroring in the dark areas. That’s often because the chemicals weren’t fixed properly when the print was made. Since the silver is highly reflective, it makes the image difficult to see.
There’s a trick in camera scanning, called “cross polarization,” that allows you to remove that glare. You accomplish this by adding a polarizing lens filter to your camera, and polarizing sheets (called “gels”) over your lights.
The results are pure magic! Here is a shot I took without the cross polarizing, and another I took with (plus a quick pass with Photoshop to take out some of the speckles). Isn’t it amazing?
Suddenly, an image that was difficult to discern with the naked eye is restored to its former glory! Won’t my great-uncle’s family be thrilled to see a photo of Uncle Buck like they’ve never seen it before?
What kind of magic can you work with your photos today?
(P.S. Even though Buford passed away some time ago, I did get permission from his family to use this photo. It’s always a best practice to ask before sharing publicly!)